R&D staff
We define our success also by our people. Meet the team!
Mária Bódi-Jakus, MSc
Senior Laboratory Manager
Krisztina Bánfai, PhD
Lead Research Scientist
Suchitra Polgári, PhD
Senior iPSC specialist
Anita Fehér, PhD
Lead molecular biologist
Andrea Schnur, PhD
Molecular and cell biologist
Kornél Kistamás, PhD
Cardiac specialist
Andrea Balogh, PhD
Senior scientist
Balázs Széky, MSc
Junior research scientist
Vivien Karl, MSc
Junior research scientist
János Farkas, MSc
Junior research scientist
Dzsenifer Schoblocher, MSc
Junior research scientist
Vivien Tamás, PhD
Junior research scientist
Anna Meller, PhD
Junior research scientist
David Novak, MSc
Junior research scientist
Laura Colar Zanjko, MSc
Doctoral candidate
Geta Serbana
Laboratory Technician
Mária Bódi-Jakus, MSc
Maria, as a Senior Laboratory Manager, organizes the general operation of the laboratory in Gödöllő. She graduated as a biologist (MSc) at the University of Pécs. She is mainly involved in the development and implementation of iPS cell culture activities and neurotoxicological studies.
Krisztina Bánfai, PhD
Krisztina is a lead research scientist at BioTalentum. She is a biologist (BSc) and medical biotechnologist (MSc) and holds a PhD in immunology and regenerative medicine. She has extensive knowledge in cell culturing, cell differentiation, molecular biology, bioreactors, and bioprinting. At BioTalentum, she focuses on neuronal differentiation of iPSCs and project supervision.
Suchitra Polgári, PhD
Suchitra is the senior iPSC specialist at BioTalentum with a scientific focus on the generation of stem cell-derived beta-cells and cardiomyocytes. She is an experienced researcher with more than fifteen years in animal cloning, cell biology and specific research activities include oocytes and embryos cryopreservation. She is highly skilled in the use of micromanipulator for somatic cell nuclear transfer.
Anita Fehér, PhD
Anita is the lead molecular biologist. She holds a Cell and Molecular Biology PhD in Theoretical Medicine. She has significant experience in genetic modification of hESC/hiPSC lines and mice using advanced approaches such as CRISPR/Cas9, TALEN and piggyBac systems.
Andrea Schnur, PhD
Andrea is a molecular and cell biologist holding a PhD in Theoretical Medicine. Her main interest are the exocrine and endocrine pancreas and Regenerative Medicine. At BioTalentum, she participates in stem cell research by the development of pancreatic beta cell differentiation. Currently she is on maternity leave.
Kornél Kistamás, PhD
Kornel is a cardiac specialist at BioTalentum with a scientific focus on the generation of mature hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes. He is a biotechnologist, and he holds a PhD degree in Biomedical Sciences. He is a senior postdoctoral researcher with fifteen years of experience in cardiac research, involving cardiac cellular electrophysiology, physiology of the calcium homeostasis, and cell culture techniques with primary and hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes.
Andrea Balogh, PhD
Andrea Balogh is a senior scientist at BioTalentum. Her main task is the development of 3D cellular models for neurodegenerative disease characterization and toxicology assay development. She is a biologist with PhD degree in Plant Biotechnology and extensive postdoctoral experience in tumor biology and immunology.
Balázs Széky, MSc
Balázs is a junior research scientist at BioTalentum. His primary responsibilities are the development of astroglial differentiation, neural cell culturing, differentiation and neurotoxicology. He is a doctoral candidate in Biology with a focus on skin stem cell research.
Vivien Karl, MSc
Vivien is a junior research scientist at BioTalentum. She graduated as a biologist (MSc) at Eötvös Loránd University at the Faculty of Molecular Genetics, Cell- and Developmental Biology. Her main focus at the company is neuronal cell culturing and assay development. She also has research experience in the fields of cancer research and genome editing, mainly focusing on CRISPR/Cas9 systems.
János Farkas, MSc
János is a junior research scientist at our company with an MSc in Applied Biotechnology. He specializes in neural research, focusing on developing microglia differentiation from iPSCs and assay development for our High Content Imaging System.
Dzsenifer Schoblocher, MSc
Dzsenifer is a junior research scientist at BioTalentum. She graduated as a biologist (MSc) at the University of Szeged. She has experience maintaining and differentiating neural stem cell cultures. At BioTalentum she participates in stem cell research by the development of astroglial and neuronal cell culturing.
Vivien Tamás, PhD
Vivien is a junior research scientist, she obtained her PhD in molecular biology and virology. She is highly skilled in molecular techniques such as molecular cloning, gene editing, development of various PCR methods. Her main focus at Biotalentum is the investigation of biomarkers involved in various neurodenegenerative diseases, and their effects on iPSC-based neuronal cultures.
Anna Meller, PhD
Anna is a junior researcher at BioTalentum. She holds a Molecular Biology PhD and has experience in molecular biology techniques, ubiquitylation and mass- spectrometry. At BioTalentum she focuses on neural cell culturing and differentiation.
David Novak, MSc
David is a junior research scientist with an MSc in Biochemistry, currently pursuing his PhD in Biochemistry at Masaryk University. His work at BioTalentum focuses on data analysis and bioinformatics; mainly transcriptomics, proteomics, and analysis of other next-generation sequencing datasets.
Laura Colar Zanjko, MSc
Laura Colar Zanjko is a doctoral candidate in Animal Biotechnology and Animal Sciences working inside the MSCA Network with a focus on in vitro toxicity screening of ASO-treated hiPSC-derived brain models. She is an engineer in molecular biotechnology with a double degree in cell and molecular biology. Her work at BioTalentum focuses on neural cell culturing, cell differentiation and neurotoxicology.
Geta Serbana
Geta, as Laboratory Technician, is the key support for the general operation of the laboratories in Gödöllő.